
Mongolia is the country with the smallest population density in the world. Only about 3 million people live in this country, which is approximately four times the size of Japan. About half of the population is currently concentrated in Ulaanbaatar capital, but the base of Mongolian culture still consists of Nomads spread throughout entire Mongolia. Traveling further away from the capital, you can see nomads living rich lives between the sky and flat meadows that continue to the horizon.


冬は-30℃にもなる極寒モンゴルの大草原。 100頭から1000頭近い家畜をひきつれて、遊牧民が暮らしています。羊、ヤギ、馬、牛、ラクダ。5大家畜は遊牧民の財産。毎日の食事、防寒着、そしてゲルの天幕、すべてが家畜の恵みから成り立ってきました。春は出産、夏は乳搾り、秋は家畜を太らせ、冬は天然草の糞を燃やして耐え凌ぎ、また春が巡る。大自然の中で最小限の循環生活を送っているモンゴル牧民のライフスタイルは、私たちの立ち返るべき原点を教えてくれている気がします。

In winter Mongolia is a great prairie with extreme temperatures of -30℃. Bringing along with them livestock numbered anywhere from 100 to nearly 1000, nomads live their lives here. The nomads' most important livestock consist of sheep, goats, cows and camels. The livestock's blessing makes up daily meals, winter clothes and tent houses of Nomads. Spring is a season of birth, summer provides milk, and in fall livestock fattens. In winter, people bear the cold by burning feces full of natural grass. Then, spring comes again. The nomadic lifestyle, which uses its natural resources to its full advantage, seems to teach us about the origin of our life.



The traditional tents of Mongolian Nomads have been made from strong felt rubbed wool and mutton tallow for many generations. It is said that the origin of felt is in Mongolia, and its technique has been passed on from generation to generation. The wool rubbed for many hours contains air. This wool is outstanding material, it can not only keep people warm in winter but also keep you comfortable in warm seasons because of its breathable nature. Because natural wool is resistant to heat and stains, it has also been used in kitchen goods and carpets in Nomadic life. The handicraft wool felt production is now spreading throughout Mongolia, providing many more women with work opportunities.

How to make
Mongolian Wool Felt

I am
a Mother
in Mongolia

エンフバイガリ さん(45)



Hello. I live with my daughter near the capital of Mongolia. More than 10 years have passed since I started making wool products. I appreciate that you have been interested in our products and wish you all the best.